Sunday, December 9, 2007
Ho, Ho, Ho
We went with our friends Matt and Crystal to have the kids sit on Santa's lap at the mall. Both of their kids sat nicely and looked adorable!! We hoped maybe since Carson was a year older this year that we wouldn't end up on Santa's lap again with him for the second year, but..... well we did. Maybe next year!! Poor Santa looked a little nervous when he saw me, very pregnant say that I was going to sit on his lap.... much to his relief I sat next to him instead:)

Saturday, December 1, 2007
Our Trip to Utah
We flew out to Utah for my cousin Elise's wedding and got to see a ton of my family that Rick and Carson had never met, it was really fun!! We stayed a couple of extra days to hangout on campus at BYU, and spend time with my sister Nicole and some of our friends from our college days. It even snowed while we were there!! It was so fun to see everyone!!! Anyways, here's the pictures!!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Tag I'm it
So, our friend Brittany tagged me, and I"m finally getting around to doing it, I hope you're not all totally bored:) Here we go:
1. I love to sketch, mostly people, and actually used to be pretty good at it, someone even bought one of my picture once....
2. I have a terrible habit of chewing on my lip, which is why you will almost never catch me without my chapstick in my pocket
3. I would love to go back and get my masters in Psychology and go into family therapy, I still plan to do that someday.
4. I run everyday (althought at a snails pace) mostly to keep my sanity and balance out my large appetite:)
5. I didn't eat any meat other than chicken (unless you count bacon, which I never could give up) from tenth grade until I was pregnant with Carson (I'll have to tell you why some other time, it's a really dumb reason). I just finally added hamburgers back in this pregnancy, Rick is so thrilled!!
6. My favorite color is purple, which is why I am so excited to have a girl and decorate a room in lavender, and not fire trucks!!!
Hope that wasn't too unbearable, here goes, tag you're it:
Kimberly Wernli
Hayley Vanbeever
Janette Church
Lisa White
Rick (please!)
Trisa Perry
1. I love to sketch, mostly people, and actually used to be pretty good at it, someone even bought one of my picture once....
2. I have a terrible habit of chewing on my lip, which is why you will almost never catch me without my chapstick in my pocket
3. I would love to go back and get my masters in Psychology and go into family therapy, I still plan to do that someday.
4. I run everyday (althought at a snails pace) mostly to keep my sanity and balance out my large appetite:)
5. I didn't eat any meat other than chicken (unless you count bacon, which I never could give up) from tenth grade until I was pregnant with Carson (I'll have to tell you why some other time, it's a really dumb reason). I just finally added hamburgers back in this pregnancy, Rick is so thrilled!!
6. My favorite color is purple, which is why I am so excited to have a girl and decorate a room in lavender, and not fire trucks!!!
Hope that wasn't too unbearable, here goes, tag you're it:
Kimberly Wernli
Hayley Vanbeever
Janette Church
Lisa White
Rick (please!)
Trisa Perry
Friday, November 16, 2007
First things first, I want to introduce Carson's new cousin Kaitlyn Anne Freel. Rick's sister Trisha was due Dec. 31st, but unexpectedly had her baby last week!! It was a little crazy at first, but Trisha and the baby are doing GREAT!!!

Kaitlyn weighed in at 3 Lbs 9 oz!! So tiny!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!!!
I couldn't help the cheesy title, sorry!! So this week to escape all the craziness going on in our lives we decided to take Carson to the Miami zoo. We went about six months ago, but this time he seemed to really LOVE it!!
I think that Carson's favorite was the elephant!! They were so fun!!!

How cute are they in their sunglasses?
Carson LOVED the fish also.
It is important to stay hydrated in our hot "winter" weather, Carson did it by drinking our slurpee....
The petting zoo was kinda lame, but Carson loved petting a pig!!

I guess we wore him out, but it was a nice break for us to look at the animals and eat while he slept:)

The gorillas and chimps were the most fascinating to me, they are so similar to us in so many ways.... we watched this one through the window for at least a half hour!!! We had a great time!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Trick or Treat
We decided to have an early Halloween party this year since my two best friends, Kim and Crystal are both due to have babies on October 27th, and most likely will have them anyday. Our first order of business was dressing the kids up in costumes and taking pictures, which was mostly a disaster. This video was really the only picture we got of all three kids in their costumes and you can't even really see all of them very well......
We used Maxi pads to pad Carson's shoulders up so he looked like he was wearing football pads.... which our friend Chris didn't know or else he wouldn't have gone anywhere near them trying to adjust Carson's costume...

Carson, Jada, and Haylie had a great time tryingto "help" us carve the pumpkins, eat the seeds, and throw away the debris.
Carson and Jada enjoyed a romantic walk on the water together:)

Yes, that's right, since Crystal and Kim are potentially having Halloween babies, Crystal came up with the idea to paint our stomachs like pumpkins, it was pretty funny...... and a little embarassing........ we let the boys do it.

We used Maxi pads to pad Carson's shoulders up so he looked like he was wearing football pads.... which our friend Chris didn't know or else he wouldn't have gone anywhere near them trying to adjust Carson's costume...

Happy Halloween!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Car shopping
So our life has been mostly boring this month, as everyone can tell by my lack of exciting blogs. Our main excitement, if you can call it that, this week has been the search for a new car. Since we are now going to have two kids in carseats and we are in need of a new car anyways since our other two are rather elderly, we decided we would need something bigger. We have gone back and forth, scoured many a used/new car lot, which means we've been stalked by car salespeople of all kinds (sorry to any of you who may be in this profession). In any case, I have been avoiding the inevitable..... becoming a mom who drives a minivan. I was hoping to get by and get an SUV or something instead, but it is not looking very promising. In the meantime, I am enjoying every last second of my little four door Charlie car that looks much less momish.

What do you think? Any suggestions?
Rick on the other hand decided that for the same price we could get a much more sensible car that would last a long time.......
What a nice dream anyway!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
What a big boy
Well, it's official, my little boy is growing up all of a sudden!! With our new baby coming in February, we decided that we would have to move Carson out of his crib sometime before then, and then before I knew it I bought a fire truck toddler bed and now Carson wants nothing to do with his crib (why would he, he can get out of the fire truck bed himself). It is all very crazy, but Carson is doing great sleeping in it so far, we are only two days/nights into it though.
Now Carson gets to drive a fire truck just like his dad!!!! I just can't believe how big he is getting all of a sudden, but we are having so much fun with him!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Carson's Award Winning Bump

Poor Carson!!! What awful parents we are!! Carson was playing at his girlfriend Jada's Sunday night and took a little tumble off of the couch onto the tile floor, this bump was HUGE!!! I think I was way more upset about it than Carson who cried for a second and then was over it. Hopefully our girl will be less crazy...... Carson and Jada did have fun afterwards putting the frozen peas on both of their foreheads, what a good girlfriend Jada is:)

This is just a random picture of Carson in his "big boy chair" eating

I thought this picture was too cute of Carson and Jada looking out our window!!
Can you tell we haven't been up to much this week?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
San Fransisco: Day 4
So, for our last day all together we decided we would take a little drive to the beach, which had an amusement park attached to the boarwalk, it was soooo fun!!! The beach of course was a little cold for us Florida people, so there really wasn't any swimming, but it felt great!!!!

Carson loves his Aunt Jenny, or "ja..ja.."

What a good aunt!!!
Did I mention Kate is the cutest? What a smiler!!!

No, Carson is not taking the picture......

Carson had fun building this enormous sand castle.... (okay, not really, he was just ruining one that had been previously built)

Rick was jealous that I got to take Carson on a kiddie ride, so they went on the dragon!!
On the way home our car, consisting of me, Rick, Nicole, Ryan and sleeping Carson decided to make an eleven o'clock In and Out run, mom thought we were crazy, and rightfully so since they were leaving bright and early the next morning for an eleven hour drive home!!!

What a good aunt!!!

Carson had fun building this enormous sand castle.... (okay, not really, he was just ruining one that had been previously built)
Then the games began!!! The whole group, minus me, Carson and my mom and Kate went on a big roller coaster and another fun adult ride

Later on at the end of the night the three of us went on the ferris wheel, I'm not sure what Carson thought, he was very serious the whole ride, but then again it was 9:30 California time, which meant it was after midnight Florida time!!!

Later on at the end of the night the three of us went on the ferris wheel, I'm not sure what Carson thought, he was very serious the whole ride, but then again it was 9:30 California time, which meant it was after midnight Florida time!!!
While the grownups went on the big kid rides, mom and I took the babies on the train!!! The funny part was that the train operator wouldn't let my mom hold six month old kate in her lap during the ride, she had to sit next to her because it was "safer...."

Rick was jealous that I got to take Carson on a kiddie ride, so they went on the dragon!!
On the way home our car, consisting of me, Rick, Nicole, Ryan and sleeping Carson decided to make an eleven o'clock In and Out run, mom thought we were crazy, and rightfully so since they were leaving bright and early the next morning for an eleven hour drive home!!!
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